Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Families Language Barriers In Healthcare â€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Families Language Barriers In Healthcare? Answer: Introducation With the increase in diversity of the nation and presence of culturally diverse group of patients, communicating in an effective manner has become a challenging task for health care professionals. Lack of awareness about patients belief, values, attitudes and behavior in specific cultural context further affects the communication process between staff-patients and has an impact on the quality of care. In such condition, it has become important to raise awareness about the importance of effective communication to deal with culturally diverse people (Betancourt et al., 2016). Hence, the information mentioned in power point is aimed to provide proper knowledge to all those people who will be new placed in health care service. It will enlighten them with the process needed to achieve cultural competency goal. Health care organizations are now working a lot to train their staffs in cultural competency and this has also become a priority due to the rise in health disparity in ethnic and racial groups. For instance, there is great difference in health outcome between the indigenous and non-indigenous Australians. This is mainly seen due to the shorter life expectancy, high rates of infant mortality, poor health and low level of education and employment in indigenous people compared to the rest of the population (Australians Together, 2017). To reduce the health disparities of indigenous Australians, there is a need to shift from standardized care and adapts culturally competent health care model. Hence, culturally competency and effective communication is also necessary to provide equal access to health care and positive experiences to disadvantaged group. The power point has given information related to the approach needed to improve communication process while dealing with culturally diverse group of people. The rationale behind giving this knowledge to newly placed staff is that language and communication barrier significantly affects the patients quality of health care received by these people. Language communication problems often lead to patient dissatisfaction, poor compliance to treatment and low quality of care (Flores 2014). To mitigate such negative experience for patients, increasing the culturally competency in care is considered important. The communication strategies to understanding the culture and non-verbal cues of different patients group is likely to enhance the quality and safety provisions in care. All efforts taken in the area of promoting culturally competent communication is likely to reduce racial and ethnic disparities in the receipt of care (Kohn-Wood Hooper, 2014). Cultural competence has been promoted extensively in recent years. With the correct information available to staffs regarding the importance of cultural competency and the strategies needed to improve culturally competent communication, conflicting situations can be avoided in health care. It will lead to lesser error and inconvenience for the health care staffs and experience of biasness in the delivery of care can be implemented. This is likely to increase the trust of patients with the health care system and better compliance with treatment regimen. This will eventually reduce the burden of the health care system (Renzaho et al., 2013). Reference Australians Together. (2017). [online] Australians Together. Available at: https://www.australianstogether.org.au/stories/detail/the-gap-indigenous-disadvantage-in-australia [Accessed 17 Sep. 2017]. Betancourt, J. R., Green, A. R., Carrillo, J. E., Owusu Ananeh-Firempong, I. I. (2016). Defining cultural competence: a practical framework for addressing racial/ethnic disparities in health and health care.Public health reports. Flores, G. (2014). Families facing language barriers in healthcare: when will policy catch up with the demographics and evidence?.The Journal of pediatrics,164(6), 1261-1264. Kohn-Wood, L., Hooper, L. (2014). Cultural competency, culturally tailored care, and the primary care setting: Possible solutions to reduce racial/ethnic disparities in mental health care.Journal of Mental Health Counseling,36(2), 173-188. Renzaho, A. M. N., Romios, P., Crock, C., Snderlund, A. L. (2013). The effectiveness of cultural competence programs in ethnic minority patient-centered health carea systematic review of the literature.International Journal for Quality in Health Care,25(3), 261-269.

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