Thursday, February 27, 2020

The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien Essay

The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien - Essay Example We just got lost somewhere within the school system between four and five. I would sit by the verandah next to the music room after every one was passed, I would take out my miniature guitar and imagine myself playing in a different auditorium each time, with different audience, but the end was always the same- a standing ovation. The things I carried were basically dictated by necessity as well as whichever day it was. Books, pen, handkerchief, lunch box, pocket change in my wallet that also had a photo of my mother and I and my phone were everyday requirements. It was illegal to carry a phone to school, but who knew when my great breakthrough to fame would come? I would need to call my friends, who by the way were non-existent. On Wednesdays, I carried my P.E kit, not because I was good in any game anyway, but then again, could not a young man dream? Dreaming should define every young man out there and am not an exception to those who dream, or am I? On Thursdays, I carried my camera so that I could sneak in to the girls’ bathroom and take a photo of my crush since when I was four, it has always been my dream to take a picture of my crush. At least that I did, before being caught and having it destroyed by the bully boyfriend of hers. It was a very painful thing seeing what it being destroyed without any help or being in a position to do anything to stop their actions. Along the way, my guitar got heavier, the weight in the realization that I would never become famous crawled in, and the reality started to sink in me. It culminated on the day I was found carrying out my fantasy routine by the schools head jock, the day that I will live to remember because of the shame I felt. The embarrassment of that day could not be captured by pen, but it’s fresh in my memory, and can narrate it as though it happened yesterday. I resolved to keep a diary instead, for easy recordings of any happening in my life, successful,

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Lucent Technologies Case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Lucent Technologies Case - Essay Example In this context, multiple factors can be held liable that had been accountable for getting subjected to this setback. Within these identified factors, the profitability of the company along with the equity multiples are the major deterrents. Apart from these two, the asset turnover had also contributed within this ROE fall (Tagliani, 2009). From the above tables, it can be clearly observed that the asset turnover rate dropped down subsequently from 35.25% in 1998 to 25.64% in 2000. As a result, a drop in the level of ROE and Return on Assets (ROA) can also be estimated. Apart from all these, the company business functionality also appeared to have boosted the long-term debt aspect that in turn had negatively impacted the overall financial stability of Lucent Technologies. In a cause and effect manner, the company’s liquidity went down by drastic levels and thus, resulted in deteriorating the performance of the company in the years 1998, 1999 and 2000 (Palepu & Healy, 2007). Lucent Technologies appeared to have made drastic changes within a very short tenure. With the prime intention of attracting more and more investors, the company made significant amount of efforts towards making its annual statements more transparent and understandable. The table below projects a clear understanding of the types of changes identified in Sales, Accounts Receivable, Inventory and Gross Margin for the five quarterly periods i.e. from December 1998 to December 1999. From the above table, improvement in the sales figures of the company can be indentified during the quarter of March-June 1999 by 12 %. Although, the company attained a growth rate for the consecutive two quarters after the quarter of Dec’1998 to March’1999, but could not retain the growth pace in a sustainable manner. The percentage rate of receivables for the company also dropped subsequently. In term of inventory, it